Clinically proved Antimicrobial activity against Respiratory Tract Infection

Clinically tested in Inflammation

Develops Natural defense to fight viral infections

Improves mouth opening and reduce burning sensation
95% CurcuminPure organic extract of turmeric
Each lozenge has 100mg curcumin
4 lozenges/day for 4 months to treat oral submucous fibrosis2-3 Lozenges for 5 days for treating cough, cold and sore throat
1-2 lozenges/day for 30 days to build immunity against viral infection

I knew the goodness of curcumin and I have used many a times before. This time I used PIKCURCUM and could feel the difference compared to other brands. This is because of the raw material single solvent , limited PPM, the solubility part and the bio-availability part
PIKCURCUM is for sure a better brand of curcumin